Where This All Started

When we have had failures, hardships, and other tragedies in our lives, what do we do? What does it mean? Can we start a new life? Can we wipe all the past from our lives?

See II Corinthians 5:17 NLT. God gives us a chance to start over. To make a new life. To live a victorious life. See prodigal son parable Luke 15:11-24.

Does God give up on us? Have we given up on ourselves because of what has happened? God has a love for us that is deeper than we can understand. He hasn't given up on us.

Survival. Recovery. Restoration. This ministry is more than how to survive the difficulties/hardships/etc. we face. It's not just about how to get by. It's about growing and overcoming the problems, circumstances, tragedies we face or have faced. There is only one way for this to happen. It's through the power of Jesus Christ. .

Purpose and Vision

What is Lighthouse Recovery and Restoration? It is a multiphase program designed to help individuals recover from the effects of poor decision-making and/or situations they have lived through. They have experienced life at its worst. This is accomplished through the healing power of Jesus Christ. Biblical principles are applied through the use of Life Recovery 12 step Bibles to strengthen faith and give hope. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ along with being accountable to others is essential to recovery and restoration. We not only want individuals to survive their ordeal, we want them to grow through it, recover from the effects, and importantly be restored into fellowship with God and be productive members of society.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to glorify God by helping those who are struggling with bondages, addictive and compulsive behaviors to be set free by the Power of Jesus Christ

Who We Are

Those who have been through the system in its various forms
- Professionally trained counselors
- Church Leaders
- Business Community
- Legal Community
- Healthcare Professionals
- Like-minded citizens

Survival Recovery and Restoration

The mindset by which we approach survival, recovery, and restoration will determine the outcome. Frame of mind, mindset, attitude. Survival, recovery, and restoration is in our heart long before we start the journey.

How many times have we approached a circumstance, difficulty, or affliction and said to ourselves, I can't make it through this. Or, we've been to a treatment facility and said, This is alright, but not for me. Nothing is going to change, but I'll give it a try even though I'm wasting my time.  

We set the tone for the outcome. We set the tone for our attitude, enthusiasm to overcome, and for the ultimate outcome.  

Self-belief begins with mindset. Who we are determines our belief in overcoming. John 1:12 says we are Children of God. (Believers and followers of Jesus Christ are children of God) Who we are, what God says we are, establishes our basis to overcome. Our mindset, not what someone else says we are, is where we must start.

Those Who We Minister To

We minister to those who have been incarcerated in jail, prison, pre-release, or any treatment programs offered to those who have succumbed to their addictions. We will work with those individuals prior to their release to help them survive the circumstances they find themselves. To survive means not just getting by or through the situation but to allow God to cause them to grow through it.  

Jails, prisons, and various other incarceration facilities are limited to what they can do for someone. Jails and prisons basically are just warehouses. Prerelease and transition centers are extensions of the prison system. There are facilities that offer a great start but lack the one great thing we all need: hope. Hope comes through Jesus Christ. Because all these entities are tax supported they are limited. We offer the final step for those who are suffering debilitating lifestyles guided by alcohol, drugs, compulsive behaviors, and various other bondages.

Our Story

So far you have seen an overview of Lighthouse Recovery and Restoration. The following is how we will accomplish our goals. We call it Our Story.

What makes us different.

A chance for change for people who are overcoming challenges in their lives. Alcoholism, drug addiction, criminal histories, life-changing tragedies. It is our purpose to help people survive and recover from these issues and be restored to society as healthy productive citizens. Return them to fulfill God's purposes for their lives.

We accept no government taxpayer support. We are wholly financed by private contributions and from our business enterprises. Our business enterprises provide on-the-job training, work experience, and good work habits. Revenues generated by our diverse line of businesses will fund our social mission. (These business enterprises will within a five year projection fund our endeavor without private contributions)

By working with Lighthouse, individuals and businesses can count on high quality services with the added benefit of knowing they helped people gain the experience they need to reclaim their lives and become productive members of society.

And, most importantly we offer hope.

Where Do We Go From Here?

This is the growing stage of our endeavor. We are in need of partners: Prayer partners; financial partners; individuals who have buildings and other facilities we can use on a part-time or full-time basis.

Where do you see yourself in this ministry?